Sunday, March 27, 2011

What I did on Spring Break

This is my Honey Pot One Skein Shawl. It is a test knit for I love this pattern and this yarn. It is from Pagewood farms and is a merino/bamboo blend fingering weight yarn. The colorway is Mistletoe. The yarn came from a sock club I was in where I never knit the socks. I think this will give me more opportunity to show of the yarn than a pair of socks. The socks would just be in my shoes most of the time.

Same shawl, different picture. Sorry I couldn't get any human volunteers to model. They were all too busy keeping warm inside.

This is my Limestone One Skein Shawl. It is another Fickleknitter design. You might be noting a theme here. Michelle Miller the mastermind behind Fickleknitter is one of my favorite designers. She has brought me over to the 'dark side' of triangular shawl knitting. This shawl is made from some Shaeffer Anne that was hiding in my stash. It may be destined to be a gift (shhhh as that someone might read this blog)
This shawl wasn't actually finished during Spring Break. But a significant amount of  it was knit during the break, so I think that should count.

I am my own photographer and still working on it. Note the shadow that made it into this shot.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break

In honor of the last day of Spring Break I have decided to start a new blog. This blog will mostly be devoted to my knitterly adventures. Sometimes my family and their activities may also creep into this blog.

Over the break I have managed to work on a number of projects.

At one point during the week my hubby sent me a text "I think it would be good if the kids saw you cleaning".....Sure, I will get right on that......after I finish my row.

In fitting form, as a good role model, when my hubby walked in the door not only wasn't I cleaning, neither were the kids. My 9 and 11 year olds were sitting in the family room KNITTING! (The 14 year old hasn't come out of her teen cave to clean or knit.)

Ha, wait til WE get to the end of our row!