Wednesday, June 22, 2011

It has been a while...

My goodness how time flies.
This was supposed to be my knitting blog. It looks like I haven't knit a thing. Well that isn't exactly true. I have been doing some top secret knitting and can't say much more. As soon as I get the go-ahead I will post pictures and details.

Now in other news. I started running yesterday. I am doing a run walk program. Yesterday was a warm up followed by 30 sec run followed by 4:30 of walking. Every workout increases the run time or decreases the walk time.
I will let you know my progress.

My goal is to run the 5K for Head for a Cure in August. I will be running as part of Team Mason. Mason is a forever 9 year old boy that my kids attended school with. He had diffuse pontine glioma and died this Spring.

Yesterday would have been his 10th birthday.

Andrea came into my room yesterday morning and said "Do you know what today is?" Of coures I rememebered, but wasn't sure that she was speaking of the same event. (Given that yesterday was the first day of Summer too.) When she didn't say anything more I said, "Today would have been Mason's 10th birthday." She said yes and that we should 'go to his house'. We talked for a few minutes about this. She seemed to have no real plan but just felt we should go. Since I had to go to work, that didn't happen right that moment. As our day got busy there was no more mention of going to the house. I really couldn't figure out what Andrea was going to do or say if she went to the house. Maybe we should have gone. Perhaps the words or actions would have come. But I hope his family knows there were loads of people thinking of him yesterday (and well as just about every day)

So in August I will be running for those who are no longer with us who have lost their battle with brain cancer. On my personal list in addition to Mason there is my mother-in-law whose cancer spread to her brain and my uncle.

Here is hoping their soon is a cure to end the suffering of those with brain cancers.

Stay tuned for more knitting and details about how you can help Head for a Cure.